
All students, but particularly female seekers, face strong challenges in the pursuit of sacred knowledge.

Azhar University, Courtyard
Cairo, Egypt
Sabancı Merkez Mosque, Minbar Adana, Turkey
Sabancı Merkez Mosque, Minbar
Adana, Turkey

Objective is an obstacle.

While seemingly an individual endeavor, the pursuit of sacred knowledge is a selfless one, a quest for the good of humanity and a contribution to the collective corpus of Islamic learning compiled since the prophetic era.

Umayyad Mosque, Minbar Damascus, Syria
Umayyad Mosque, Minbar
Damascus, Syria

This intellectual philanthropy, the spread of benefit beyond one’s self, is what raises the rank of a scholar above that of a worshipper. Students learn to serve. Teachers teach to become a drop in that ocean.

Sultan Ahmad Mosque, Minbar Istanbul, Turkey
Sultan Ahmad Mosque, Minbar
Istanbul, Turkey

It is a commonly known problem that scholars, in the absence of state or institution-based endowments, face immense challenges in terms of sustainability and directive. Even as the aims of Islamic scholarship remain elevated to the ethereal, the scarcity of worldly means threatens to ground intellectual freedom.

Ibrahimi Mosque, Minbar Jerusalem, Palestine
Ibrahimi Mosque, Minbar
Jerusalem, Palestine

It is also a concerning trend that most teachers employ their efforts in many of the same spheres of service, often leading to competitive attitudes in an arena where cooperation should reign.

Adab is an obstacle.

The scholars of old embodied a unique prophetic ethos.

Şehzade Mehmet Mosque, Mihrab Istanbul, Turkey
Şehzade Mehmet Mosque, Mihrab
Istanbul, Turkey

This was transmitted to students, along with sacred knowledge, through direct teaching and by example.

Ben Youssef Madrasa Almoravid Dynasty 1062 1147 CE Marrakech, Morocco
Ben Youssef Madrasa
Almoravid Dynasty 1062 1147 CE
Marrakech, Morocco

The importance of adab was so strongly emphasized that later generations of scholars began authoring works specifically related to Islamic ethics.

Muhammad 'Ali Mosque Citadel, 1848 Ottoman Minbar Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad 'Ali Mosque Citadel, 1848 Ottoman Minbar
Cairo, Egypt

The giants of the past walked upon this earth humbly yet left a deep imprint. Sadly, contemporary times have seen a reversal of demeanor and impact.

Jaqmaqiyya Madrasa, Mihrab Damascus, Syria
Jaqmaqiyya Madrasa, Mihrab
Damascus, Syria
Topkapi Palace, Endurûn Library Sultan Ahmed III Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Endurûn Library
Sultan Ahmed III
Istanbul, Turkey

Context is an obstacle.

Sacred knowledge has never existed in a vacuum. Nor is it a theory, far removed from reality.
‘Adiliyya Mosque, Mihrab Aleppo, Syria
‘Adiliyya Mosque, Mihrab
Aleppo, Syria

True knowledge is the union between the content of theory, the context of the earthly, and the reality of the celestial. Wherein the three converge, sacred knowledge is found.

Nasir-al Mulk Mosque Shiraz, Iran
Nasir-al Mulk Mosque
Shiraz, Iran

While the dictates of fiqh produce monotones of black, white, and grey, the Islamic civilization draws upon a full palette of color.

Tokyo Mosque, Mihrab & Minbar Yoyogi-Uehara, Japan
Tokyo Mosque, Mihrab & Minbar
Yoyogi-Uehara, Japan

Deep contextual and historical understanding yield an artistic blend of the elegant colors of the Islamic tradition with the bold colors of the modern context.

Blue Mosque, Minaret Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan
Blue Mosque, Minaret
Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan

The role of a scholar is to actualize the celestial in the heart, to absorb theory in the mind, and to envision in the earthly. Lack of proper conceptualization in any of these realms renders a dissonance of the sacred.

Qutb Minar, Minaret New Delhi, India
Qutb Minar, Minaret
New Delhi, India

When this role is left unfulfilled, communities lack the guidance needed to practically promote religious objectives. When scholarship becomes a merely sedentary pursuit, disembodied from its celestial or earthly context, likewise, it fails to perform its function.

Access is an obstacle.

In fulfilling the comprehensive needs of religious communities, both men and woman must be accorded access to the highest standards of Islamic education.

Putra Mosque, Prayer Hall Putrajaya, Malaysia
Putra Mosque, Prayer Hall
Putrajaya, Malaysia

The scholarly human resource is the greatest of our collective assets. Replenishing this reservoir and, in corollary, diversion of means to that end, should be among the highest priorities of the Umma.

Uqbah Mosque, Columns Kairouan, Tunisia
‘Uqbah Mosque, Columns
Kairouan, Tunisia

Yet, while excelling in almost every secular field on earth, women continue to lag in the field of traditional Islamic scholarship.

Asma Bint Alawi Mosque, Mihrab Muscat, Oman
Asma Bint ‘Alawi Mosque, Mihrab
Muscat, Oman
Islamic curricula the world over have seen a marked decline in quality and a decrease in duration. This trend has manifested no more strongly than in women’s Islamic education.
Alhambra Palace, Stairway Grenada, Spain
Alhambra Palace, Stairway
Grenada, Spain

Sayyida Nafisa Seminary

Removing obstacles is our specialty.


Sultan Qaboos, Hall
Muscat, Oman